Reception Home Learning – Summer 1
This half term we are learning phase 3 sounds and tricky words:
Communication, Language and Literacy
Physical Development
- Play games such as tricky word hunt, musical statues, musical bumps, snap, bingo etc.
- Find the sounds in books
- Practise spelling words like: chick, ship, ring, think, leek, light, goat etc.
- Practise reading words like: car, moon, bang, chin, sheep, fork etc.
- Practise reading captions like: Fish and chips in a dish, The sheep is in pain, A ring in a box.
- Practise writing simple captions and sentences: A red car, The rain is wet, A goat in a boat.
- Can you write the sounds and tricky words cursively?
Tricky words: Those words that cannot be sounded out.
Reading strategy: point to and say all the sounds in the word, repeat. Blend the sounds together.
Spelling strategy: say the word, say all the sounds you can hear in the word, write them down, check your word by reading it.
- Count on and back to and from 30.
- Make a set of 0-20 number cards, can you put them in order? Can you do it faster?
- Can you order a set of random numbers.
- Can you use objects around your house to practise adding and subtracting single digit numbers from any number up to 20.
- Can you make your own number line – say one more or one less than a given number.
- Write numbers 0-20.
- Can you get some objects and double them? Use a ladybird and put the same number of spots on each side i.e. 2 doubled is 4 (2+2)
- Can you get various objects and halve them (split them between two teddies)?
- Order three sets of objects based on their capacity – which holds most water? Which holds the least?
- Say the days of the week in order – draw what you do on each day.
- Using a teddy can you put it in different positions and describe it e.g. In the box, under the table. Use these words: on, in, under, in front of, behind, next to, in between, on top of.
- Explore money – what are the coins worth? Set up your own little shop and pretend to pay for items.
Communication, Language and Literacy
- Read a story or e-book – talk about your favourite part, who were the characters? Where was the story set, What happened at different points of the story.
- Draw a story map of your chosen story.
- Get a collection of objects – can you think of some sentences about them? Can you use and, and because in your sentence i.e. the scissors cut the paper because I wanted it to fit in the envelope.
- Use the picture below to make up some sentences with some interesting words in.
- Access oxford owls to read various books. (Log in sent during learning lockdown)
Physical Development
- Practise cutting out different shapes and textures.
- Play traffic lights – red means stop, amber mean walk and green means run.
- Practise throwing, catching, patting, rolling and kicking a large ball.
- Threading – making daisy chains, pasta necklaces, button threading.
- Use construction materials to make a various creations.
- Can you have some timed races, running, egg and spoon, sack race, skipping etc.
- Make some play dough and use it to make things or take part in dough disco.
- Use balloons to pat and keep it in the air without it touching the floor or objects.
Topic – People who help us
- Make a list of people who help us and why.
- Make and write thank you cards for people who help us.
- Role play some situations where you have been helped i.e. at the vets, doctors, dentist, post office.
- Make junk model emergency vehicles which are used by people who help us.
- Can you make your own finger prints using paint
- Talk about how we can help people.
- Talk about what you would like to be when you grow up and why?
- Choose an occupation that interests you and find out more using books, internet, asking questions to people you may know in the job etc.