Y1 Home Learning – Spring 1
This is for you to access to support your child’s learning. Follow the activities and links provided or enter any of the objectives into google to find activities and information to support your child’s learning.
- Continue to practise correct letter formation, particularly within words and sentences.
- Use this link to see how we write our cursive letters https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/skyWriter/index.html (remember to click the cursive button)
- Take particular care to make tall letters tall and letters with tails sit in the line with their tails underneath the line.
- Practise writing capital letters and remember capitals are taller than lowercase letters and do not have any joins or flicks.
Phonics – Our current expectations for Spring 1 are for children to be confident and competent in each of the objectives below:
- Learn the sound and the letter name for each phase 5 sound below. Make up your own sentences, say them aloud and practice holding it in your head, before having a go at writing it. Remember to put a finger space in between each word.
- Practice reading and writing words with the above sounds. Write them in sentences in your books. Sort words with the same phoneme (how it sounds) and different graphemes (how the sound is written).
- Practise choosing the correct way of writing the sound for the chosen word e.g., ea in beach, ee in feet.
- Phonics play is free to play at home and has lots of games to help you practise your phonics. You have been sent the login details from your class teachers learning email address.
Maths – Our current expectations for Spring 1 are for children to be confident and competent in each of the objectives below:
- To be able to count on accurately to add two single digit numbers e.g., 5+4 and to begin to recall these facts mentally.
- To be able to add a single digit to a two-digit number confidently by putting the biggest number in your head and counting on.
- To be able to count backwards confidently from at least 50, being particularly careful when counting back over multiples of 10 e.g., 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38
- To accurately take away a single digit number by putting the biggest number in your head and accurately counting back.
- To be able to record these calculations in number sentences, in pictures and by drawing jumps on a number line.
- You can find games to support these on – ictgames.com, topmarks.com, the White Rose Maths and BBC Bitesize year 1 Maths.
English – we will be learning about traditional tales and fairy tales.
- Listen to, read aloud with an adult, and enjoy independently a range of traditional tales e.g. The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks, Aladdin, Rapunzel etc
- Try retelling the stories in your own words, putting the events of the story in the right order.
- Talk about the characters in the stories. Are they good or bad characters and why? Write some sentences about the characters using adjectives to describe them and using evidence in the story to explain your views e.g., Goldilocks was a rude because she ate someone else’s breakfast.
- Have a go at planning and writing your own version of a traditional tale e.g., instead of the three Billy Goats Gruff crossing the Troll’s bridge, they could try to cross the crocodile’s river.
- You can find lots of online traditional stories to read, to be read aloud or to watch online or follow this link to help you https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?q=fairy%20tales
Science and Geography – This half term we are learning about night and day, seasons, and weather.
- We are continuing to look at changes within weather. You could make a weekly weather chart to record the different types of weather and compare the weather over different weeks.
- Look for early signs of spring- changes in weather, things beginning to grow etc - Record them in pictures, words or a make a diary.
- Click on these links for ideas on exploring and learning about winter weather
- Follow the link below for more seasonal changes activities https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhtp2v4
- Compare night and day- explain in words and pictures what you see in the daytime and what you see at night. Learn about animals that come out at night.
- Watch this link to find out what happens to the earth, moon and sun when it is day and night. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zxcxnbk Try to explain it in your own words and drawings. Try some of the activity ideas on BBC bitesize.
Computing – This half term we are learning about coding and how to make a simple computer game.
- Follow the link to espresso coding and use the following login details. https://www.discoveryeducation.co.uk/login/eha/?service=coding
Pupil username: student18075
Pupil password: roses1
- Click on unit 1, watch the video lessons and have a go at the activities.
History – We are learning about schools in the past. We are comparing school now to school many years ago.
- Talk to your family (especially your grandparents) and find out what school was like when they were younger.
- Look at the pictures of schools long ago here. Answer the questions for each picture.
- Make your own information book comparing schools long ago to schools now. Draw and label objects from schools now and in the past. Try writing sentences to compare using words like long ago, in the past, in the olden days, now, in modern times, nowadays. Use but to join the two ideas together in one sentence E.g., Long ago children used chalk and slate to write but now we have pencils and computers.
Art – We are learning about the famous artist Henri Rousseau
- Find out about the artist Henri Rousseau and try to recreate one of his paintings. You could draw, paint collage, use whatever you can find to make your own version of one of his picture.
- Follow this link for examples of his work and question prompts https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t2-a-062-henri-rousseau-photopack-and-prompt-questions
R.E– This half term we are learning about Islam
- Follow the link and watch the videos about Islam, talk to someone about what you have found out. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zj3d7ty/resources/1
- Watch the power point here and complete the activities about the Muslim holy book, The Qur’an.
- Explore music and song through traditional tales
- Follow the above link to explore songs, music and activities linked to Jack and the Beanstalk.