Y2 Home Learning – Spring 1

This is for you to access to support your child’s learning. Input on Google any of the objectives below to find appropriate and relatable activities.

English – Our current expectations for Spring 1 are for children to be confident and competent in each of the areas below:

  • Write different sentences using a capital letter, finger spaces, a full stop and the joining words ‘and’, so’, ‘but’ and ‘because’.
  • Use commas to separate items in a list.
  • Write expanded noun phrases.
  • Make a list of words that contain the following suffixes: ful, ness, ment, er, est, ing, ed, ly
  • Use the words from your list and put them into interesting sentences.
  • Read your home reading book. Write about your favourite part of the story and give reasons.

Maths – Our current expectations for Autumn 2 are for children to be confident and competent in each of the objectives below:

  • Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number.
  • Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in words.
  • Count in steps of 2, 3, 4 and 5 from 0.
  • Know doubles and halves of numbers.
  • Add and subtract two 2 digit numbers to 100 on a blank number line.
  • Understand multiplication as repeated addition and arrays.
  • Practise 2x table and 10 x table.

Any activity/activities that you complete in relation to these objectives need to be recorded in the book provided or sent in via the class email which is accessed through our school website.

Science This half term we are learning about ‘Materials and their properties’.

  • Look around your house for items that are made from different materials. Can you find items that are made out of: glass, wood, plastic, metal, fabric and rubber
  • Talk to your helper about the properties of different materials such as: rough, smooth, transparent, rigid, flexible, hard, soft, strong, malleable.
  • Draw a selection of items in your house stating the material it is made from and its properties e.g. toothbrush is made from plastic. It is smooth and hard.
  • Design and make something that can transport a person across the River Thames to escape the Great fire of London. Think about the different properties your creation would need to ensure it is suitable.

Geography- In geography we are comparing the physical and human features of Burnley and Sydney in Australia. 

  • Use Google Earth to locate both Burnley and Sydney. Talk to your helper about what you can see.
  • Use a map to locate Burnley and Sydney. Talk to your helper about the differences you can see e.g the size, being near to the coast, surrounding places.
  • Physical features are natural features that have always been there (e.g. hills and rivers) and human features are man-made (e.g. sculptures and bridges). Draw two places in Burnley where physical features occur and draw two places in Burnley that are man-made.
  • Use google to research and find physical and human features of Sydney and write them down.

Computing – This half term we are learning about coding.

  • Use espresso coding to continue to learn all about algorithms and inputting code. Continue to work through the year 2 scheme of work. Follow the link provided and use the username: student18075 and the password: roses1 to log onto espresso coding.

Art – This half term we are looking at observational drawings

  • Find some interesting objects in your house and have a go at drawing them focussing on the colours, lines and patterns. Remember to look at each view of your 3D object.

RE – This half term we have looking at Islam and their routines and rituals

  • Discuss some examples of daily routine and any preparation needed e.g. packing a school bag before going to school or getting ready for bed.
  • Role play some of these examples and get your helper to guess what they are.
  • Introduce the vocabulary ‘ritual’.
  • Investigate what may happen to the final outcome if any of the routine before is missed out e.g. not brushing our teeth before bed.
  • Watch a clip of a Muslim performing Wudu e.g. http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/zj3d7ty/resources/1

How does their routine vary from our own daily routines.

PSHE – This half term we are looking at ‘What makes a good friend?’

  • Talk to your helper about how they can make friends with others.
  • Draw a picture of themselves. Write sentences to say why they make a good friend to others.
  • Make a list of what a good friend does.
  • Talk to your helper about what they can do if a friendship is making them unhappy. What can they do to resolve arguments?
  • Make a poster about the feelings we have. You could design different emoji’s that show different faces.
  • Talk to your helper about the times you have felt sad, worried, happy, excited, scared.
  • Think about how our bodies might change when we are excited, scared or are worried.

Music – This half term we are learning about different sounds.

  • Have a look around and see what everyday items you can find at home or in your classroom to make interesting sounds!
  • Listen to how different combinations create different effects.
  • Pair up with a friend and take it in turns to close your eyes and guess what the other is using to create a sound effect.
  • What materials are they using? (wood, metal, plastic, paper, rubber, stone)
  • How are they making the sound? (hitting, tapping, scraping, shaking, strumming, plucking, knocking)

PE – This half term we are carrying out Gymnastics.

  • Practice different movement’s including jumps, rolls and balances at home. Create your own Gymnastics sequences incorporating the different elements and video your final routine.