Summer 1 LEARNING 2021

Y1 Home Learning – Summer 1

English – Our current expectations for Summer 1 are for children to be confident and competent in each of the objectives below:

  • Use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in every sentence.
  • Use capital letters for names of people and places.
  • Begin to identify types of sentences and use the correct punctuation e.g use question marks at the end of a sentence, a full stop at the end of a statement and an exclamation mark at the end of an exclamation.
  • Use a joining word (and, because, but) to link two parts of a sentence.
  • Make words into plurals by adding s and es.
  • Add ed to make past tense words (where the word doesn’t need changing)
  • Say and hold in memory whilst writing, simple sentences which make sense.
  • Begin to write a series of sentences to create longer pieces of writing.
  • To form all capital letters correctly and all lower case letters using the cursive font.


Phonics We are developing our rapid recall of phase 2 to 5 sounds and using them to blend to read words and segment them to spell words.







Maths – Our current expectations for Summer 1 are for children to be confident and competent in each of the objectives below:

  • To be able to share objects equally to find a half and quarter of a number
  • Rapidly recalling doubles and halves (up to double 50)
  • Rapidly recalling number bonds to 10 and 20
  • To accurately add and subtract a single digit to any number, up to at least 50
  • To represent working outs of simple addition and subtraction calculations using pictures, number lines and diagrams.
  • To recall 10 more/less than a given number
  • To count in multiples of 2’s, 5’s and 10’s forwards and backwards


  • Any activities that you complete in relation to these objectives need to be recorded in the book provided or sent in via the class email which is accessed through our school website. We will send you daily activities if learning from home. You will also find lots of supporting activities on Twinkle, BBC bitesize and White rose maths websites.

Science – This half term we are learning to identify and name a variety of common creatures including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, frogs and mammals

Look at these posters to help you learn about the different groups of animals and their characteristics.

Find or draw pictures of lots of different animals and sort them into the correct animal group.

Choose an animal and make a factfile. Try to include details about it’s body parts, skin covering, where it lives, what it eats, how it moves, what animal group it belongs to and what it’s characteristics are.

History – this term we are learning about phones in the past and finding out about Alexander Graham Bell who invented telephones.

Read and learn about Alexander Graham bell here:

Ask your parents and grandparents what telephones were like when they were younger. Find pictures of them on the internet or use these pictures and order them on a timeline from the oldest to the newest.

Complete the computing research project below about Alexander Graham Bell.


Computing – This half term we are learning how to use technology, with support to create, store and retrieve digital content such as text and images.

Use a search engine such as google, kidrex or swiggle to research facts about animals and Alexander Graham Bell.

If you have a laptop use word to copy and paste images of animals or Alexander Graham Bell and add text to write captions and sentences.

If you have an ipad, use the free app book creator to insert images and write text about a chosen animal Or Alexander Graham Bell.


DT – This half term we will be finding out how vehicles with wheels move and we will design, make and improve our own vehicles.

Learn about the different parts of a simple toy car. Look at your own toy cars or watch this lesson presentation

Make your own simple car by attaching wheels to an axle and then attaching the axle to or through a box. Draw what you want your vehicle to look like, make it then test it out. How can you improve your vehicle?

Here are a few links that may give you some ideas on how to make a simple car.

If you are struggling to find equipment or materials please let your class teacher know and we will put together a pack for you to use at home.

RE – This half term we will be learning about Islam.

Read this ebook about Ramadan  

Talk about how Muslims celebrate Ramadan and Eid. Think about different celebrations you and your family take part in. How do you celebrate, who do you celebrate with and why are you celebrating? Draw and write about your favourite celebration.

PSHE – This half term we will be learning about healthy lifestyles and making healthy choices.

Talk to a grown up about how to keep your body healthy. Think about keeping different parts of your body clean, what to eat, what to drink, how to exercise.

Draw a picture of yourself (full body) and draw and label all the different things that will keep you healthy e.g. toothpaste for teeth, shampoo for hair, water to drink etc

Talk to a grown up about medicines that make us better and keep us healthy.
Think about being safe with medicines and harmful substances. Use this presentation to help.

Make a poster to show how to keep safe around medicines and harmful substances.


Follow the link Click on students and log in username: 94776 password: Lancashire.
Click on scheme and in Year 1 select the unit named Rhythm in the Way We Walk and Banana Rap. Listen to and learn the song and follow the activities.


PE – This half term we will be developing our throwing and catching skills.

Use these activities to help you practise your ball skills:

Watch these videos for further ideas on how to develop your throwing and catching skills: