Safeguarding & ONLINE SAFETY


Our Safeguarding Commitment 

At Rosegrove Infant School we are committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of our children.  The health, safety, and wellbeing of every child is of paramount importance to us and we expect that all staff, governors and visitors share the same commitment.

The whole staff team are highly trained in safeguarding procedures, and the children are aware that we have trusted adults in school that they can speak to if they have concerns that they need to share.

Staff are trained to identify any signs of physical/emotional harm or neglect and have a duty to report these to the Designated Safeguarding Leads in school. 

Our child safeguarding policy has been adopted from the Lancashire Safeguarding Team and other child protection policies and procedures are robust and vigorously monitored by the whole school team. 

Concerns may arise which need to be consulted by external agencies whom we will share information with, in line with school policy guidelines.

We will discuss any concerns with parents/carers first before any referrals are made, unless we believe that such a discussion would impact on the child's welfare.

A robust Whistleblowing Policy is also in place.


If you would like to discuss/share a concern, our Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding is:

Mrs Renshaw (Head Teacher)

Our Deputy Safeguarding Lead's are:

Mrs Ashworth (Deputy Head Teacher) &

Bernie Calcutt (Pastoral/Wellbeing Lead)


Neil Yates (COG) is our Safeguarding Governor