Home School Agreement
-In our school we aim to develop the child through constructive comments and positive responses.
-Together, we explore the skills we need to be good learners and acknowledge these dispositions in all our endeavours.
-We promote self-evaluation and set realistic targets involving each child in the learning process.
The School will:-
- Provide a safe and caring environment for your child.
- Maintain a high standard of education and provide a broad and balanced indoor and outdoor curriculum.
- Endeavour to meet the needs of all children.
- Teach children to develop a positive attitude towards everyone regardless of difference in gender, race, culture, belief, values, age and need.
- Work with parents/carers to ensure good attendance and punctuality.
- Promote high standards in behaviour.
- Hold regular meetings with parents/carers to discuss the progress of children, indicating strategies and areas for development.
- Encourage parents/carers involvement in their child’s education through our school website, newsletters, text messages, meetings and your child’s annual report.
- Provide appropriate homework to support learning.
Parents/Carers will:-
- Support the schools procedures and policies.
- Read and act upon information sent home.
- Be respectful and considerate towards members of the school and local community and comply with the parking restrictions around school.
- Work in partnership with school to develop positive attitudes towards those from different cultures and races and with different feelings, values and beliefs.
- See that my child attends regularly and arrives at school on time.
- Avoid leave in term time.
- Let school know of any concerns that may affect my child’s work or behaviour at school.
- Support and work with school in any behaviour management programmes.
- Attend parents’ meetings to discuss the progress my child has made.
- Keep school up to date with any changes to contact details.
- Adhere to our rule of no earrings in school.
- Regularly check that all clothing and possessions are labelled.
- Support my child with homework tasks and reading and remind them to bring their school bag to school every day.
The Child will:-
- Work hard and always try to do their best.
- Respect other cultures, feelings, race and beliefs.
- Take good care of the school building, equipment and grounds.
- Behave in a safe way.
- Follow the school rules, remember our Playground Charter and Manners Matter.
- Always do their homework.