Autumn 1 learning 2020
Y2 Home Learning – Autumn 1
This is for you to access to support your child’s learning. Input on Google any of the objectives below to find appropriate and relatable activities.
English – Our current expectations for Autumn 1 are for children to be confident and competent in each of the objectives below:
- Write down your full first and last name and remember to use a capital letter.
- Practice saying the alphabet and forming all the different letters correctly focusing on tall and short letters.
- Write different sentences using a capital letter, finger spaces, a full stop and the joining words and or because.
- Make a list of words that contain graphemes from the phase 3 sound mat.
- Use the words from your list and put them into interesting sentences.
- Read your home reading book and draw a picture and write about your favourite part of the book.
Maths - Our current expectations for Autumn 1 are for children to be confident and competent in each of the objectives below:
- Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number.
- Read and write numbers from 1-20 in numerals.
- Begin to recognise the place value of numbers beyond 20 (tens and ones).
- Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations.
- Use the language of: equal to, more than, less than, fewer, most, least.
- Given a number, identify 1 more and 1 less.
- Read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving +, - and = signs.
- Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20.
- Add and subtract 1 digit numbers and 2 digit numbers to 20.
Any activity/activities that you complete in relation to these objectives need to be recorded in the book provided or sent in via the class email which is accessed through our school website.
Science – This half term we are learning about ‘Animals’.
- Watch the video on BBC bitesize called what do animals eat and make a list of animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
- Make a list of animals that live in hot places and those that live in cold places.
- Use Google to research about a polar bear and a camel. Find out examples about how they are suited to their environments (e.g. a polar bear has thick fur to keep warm).
- Watch the video on BBC bitesize called what is a food chain and have a go at drawing your own.
Geography - This half term we are learning about continents and oceans.
- Watch the video on YouTube about continents and oceans. Learn the names of the 7 continents and 5 oceans and some information about each continent.
- Practice locating the 7 continents and the 5 oceans by completing the different games.
Computing – This half term we are learning about how to stay safe online.
- Read the online story about Smartie the penguin and design a poster to help your friends stay safe online.
Art – This half term we are learning about the artist Kandinsky.
- Research and write some interesting facts about Kandinsky.
- Look at his artwork called the circles and create your own circle picture.
RE – This half term we have looking at Christianity.
- Look at images online of good and bad aspects of the world and discuss how the images make you feel.
- Look at pictures of crops being harvested. Talk about what has happened in order to make the crops grow. Talk about why we are grateful for food.
- Make a prayer to say what you are grateful and thankful for.
PSHE – This half term we are looking at what helps us to stay safe.
- Talk to your helper about different ways to stay safe (e.g by the canal, near the road, in school and at home).
- Make a poster about how to stay safe in school at this current time (e.g hand washing, keeping our distance, staying in bubbles).
- Write some instructions on how to wash your hands.
- Think about all the people in our lives that keep us safe. Choose 1 and draw a picture of them.
- Talk to your helper about what to do if you’re feeling worried. Think about the different people who could help make you feel better.
Music – This half term we are learning to sing the song ‘Hands,feet,heart’.
- Follow the link provided to access the song and other musical content and activities. Use the username: 94776 and the password: Lancashire to log on.
PE – This half term we are carrying out games focusing on throwing and catching.
- Practice and develop the skills of underarm and overarm throwing and the skill of catching.
- Talk about the rules of piggy in the middle and play this with your family.